
Brian DeBernardi

Superintendent of Schools

LaSalle Elementary School District 122


LaSalle Elementary School District 122 (LES122) serves the community of LaSalle, Illinois, a city of over 9,000 residents located in north central Illinois. LES122 has two attendance centers: Northwest Elementary School for children in grades PreK - 5, and Lincoln Junior High for students in grades 6 through 8. The district feeds into LaSalle-Peru High School.

Mission Statement:  The mission of the LaSalle Public Elementary Schools is to provide a nurturing, challenging learning environment in order to assist each student in becoming lifelong learners and socially responsible citizens. 

District Information:  LaSalle Elementary School District 122

1165 St. Vincents Avenue

La Salle, IL  61301

Phone:  815-223-0786, press 7

Fax:  815-223-8740

Bookkeeper:  Diane Mertel (merteld@lasalleschools.net)

District Admin Assistant:  Patricia Hoelle (hoellep@lasalleschools.net)

HR Coordinator: Kaitlyn Ruppert (ruppertk@lasalleschools.net)

Enrollment: @ 900 PreK-8 Students

Faculty and Staff: @ 130 Employees

Physical Restraint, Time Out and Isolated Time Out Progress Report and Reduction Plan