Lincoln Jr. High

Jon Fox



Therapy Dog

Contact Information:

Lincoln Jr. High

1165 St. Vincents Avenue

La Salle, IL  61301

Phone:  815-223-0786, press 6

Fax:  815-223-8740 

School Secretary:  Jan Senica -

Special Education Secretary: Allyssa Sereno -


Lincoln Jr. High School is located in La Salle, IL. The population of La Salle is 9,147. La Salle sits in western La Salle County at the intersection of interstates 80 and 39.  The school is located on Highway 351/St. Vincents Avenue and across from Hegeler Park.    


Lincoln Jr. High School is composed of grades 6-8 with an enrollment of approximately 300 students.  The school operates on a fixed daily schedule with most periods of 44 minutes and 3 periods of 30 minutes each.  Trimesters of 12 weeks make up the school year.  The school is the only public junior high school in La Salle.

Click Here for Attendance and Truancy Information 

Click Here for Information Regarding the Education of Children with Disabilities

New requirements for Prioritization of Urgency of Need for Service (PUNS) were effective

January 1, 2024.  PUNS is a statewide database that records information about individuals with

developmental disabilities who are planning for, or seeking services through the Illinois

Department of Human Services (IDHS) Division of Developmental Disabilities. At each annual review for a student with a disability, the IEP (Individualized Education Program) team must

determine if the student is registered for PUNS and, if not, refer the family to a designated

employee who has completed the PUNS training.  For information on PUNS, please contact the trained employee for the District:  Theresa Schallhorn, Assistant Principal,, (815)-223-0786.

Derek Kilmartin, Curriculum Director